Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Favorite Pregnancy Game

Yesterday, I bought some more groceries.  Upon grabbing the milk, I was careful to choose one that had a later date, since most on this shelf said the expiration was April 30th.  So, as I glanced to make sure that this milk was gonna last longer than 2 days, I smiled.  The expiration date for this milk is May 15th, Valentina's due date.  I was flooded with memories of my last few weeks of gestation with Salvatore.  Whenever I would buy something with an expiration date, I would wonder in my head which event would happen first-his birth or this milk expiring?  Since he came about 2 weeks early, he did beat the milk!  And now, I am playing this "game" again.  Which will come first this time-Valentina's birth or this milk expiring?  Time will tell.  I would put cold hard cash on Valentina if I could!


  1. I remember doing the SAME thing!
    Great minds think alike...
    I am going to have a chat with your tummy, because May 5th is the PERFECT birthday date.
    I would LOVE to share it with her!

  2. For your sake...I hope Valentina comes before the milk expires :). Usually peoples' pregnancies follow a similar timeline, so she should come early...fingers crossed.

  3. i can't wait to meet her!!! and i'm not even the one pregnant with her! :)
