Tuesday, March 30, 2010


is something that I can not get more than 2-3 hours of a night.  It is slowly killing me and there is not much I can do about it.  I am up all night with aches and pains in my ribs, stomach, legs and back.  I have heartburn from drinking water and brushing my teeth.  I eat my maximum of Tums each day and Tylenol PM or Unisom do not help. I know that it will not be much better once our newborn arrives, but at least I will have the purpose of feeding and caring for her.  Right now, there is no purpose to my restlessness.  Wish I could just sleep like this:


  1. soooo sweet! i love those pictures of salvatore sleeping. he looks so peaceful! :)

  2. 10 sheep, 9 sheep, 8 sheep, 7 sheep, 6 sheep, 5 sheep, 4 sheep, 3 sheep, 2 sheep, 1 sheep...K.O.

  3. so sorry..
    you are almost there..and soon your wakings will be ALL worth it :)
    AND, it's almost spring break...whew.

  4. When everyone said, "sleep now because you won't sleep once the baby comes!" I wanted to punch them in the face. Seriously...

  5. I am soooo sorry. I feel your pain. I hated when people said when I was pregnant all I wanted to do was sleep because from the second I knew I was pregnant I could hardly sleep at all. It was awful. I love all the pics of Sal sleeping. I know I get jealous of my kids too when they can ALWAYS sleep well anywhere.

  6. Oh, that is not fun at all! I wish I could give you a night - I'd stay awake for you!
