Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hermanos (Brothers)

I remember the night we first brought him home-neither of us could sleep because all we wanted to do was stare at him and make sure he was continuously safe.  We stayed awake most of the night fretting over every little noise and movement he made, not one breath was missed.  We couldn't believe he was ours! And we were so happy and so scared because we knew that we had to teach him practically everything that he would have to know to survive in this world. So we started slowly, letting instinct guide us, and soon we were in a routine.  He was our first baby, our first son and we made many mistakes along the way, but it still gets better all the time.  Benedict (Benny to Salvatore), we love you and we are proud of the big brother that you are.  He was the first thing that Salvatore continuously recognized and asked for.  He was the entertainer when Salvatore pushed himself around in his walker.  He ate all of the food that Salvatore pushed and threw over the side of his highchair.  He still sits calmly while Salvatore climbs, jumps, rushes, and rolls all over him.  He never even flinches when Salvatore sticks his fingers in his eyes, ears, nose, mouth or grabs his tail or his *&^%$.  He is not the one we take showers with anymore and he barely fits in the backseat now because of the carseat.  But he is, and always will be the first love for all of us.  He is Benedict Licona-age 4, birthday March 2, 2005, weighing in at an impressive 92 lbs.  First borns sometimes have it so tough but are also so lucky!!!

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